
Links to Media Coverage:
NYTimes-Women in the World:
Intimate portraits explore the challenges of being born female in 17 countries: Mark Tuschman’s photographs find truth and beauty in the resilience exercised daily by millions of women and girls facing violence and oppressionAmerican Photo Magaziner:
The Power of Visual Storytelling: An Interview with Mark TuschmanGIRLTALKHQ:
Photo Series ‘Faces Of Courage’ Documents The Reproductive Healthcare Struggle Of Women & Girls GloballyMadame Figaro:
Mark Tuschman parcourt le monde pour photographier les femmes victimes de violencePRINT magazine:
Faces Tell StoriesNapa Valley Register:
'Faces of Courage': A photographer tells the story of women around the worldMaptia:
Tools of Empowerment: Far too many girls are not allowed to attend school, develop their minds, or even gain a minimum of economic and personal independence. Their lives, and their futures, are condemned from the very start. This story captures the inspiring power of vocational training to change the course of women's lives.Huffington Post:
On the cover of Mark Tuschman's photography book, Faces of Courage, a young girl of 13 stares boldly at the viewer. Her name is Kala and she lives in the rural Pali district of Rajasthan, India. Kala has been married since she was three months old; she's lived with her parents throughout childhood but now, as a teenager, she's preparing to move in with her husband.Yahoo!:
Kala’s beautiful portrait is the cover photograph of Mark Tuschman’s compelling and important new book, "Faces of Courage: Intimate Portraits of Women on the Edge" ( Val de Grace Books, October 2015). Her moving story is one of many told here that address one of the most searing humanitarian issues of our time: the struggle of millions of women and girls to gain freedom over their own lives and bodies.Marie Claire:
A Candid Glimpse of what Sex Ed Looks Like Around the WorldBeautiful Decay:
Mark Tuschman’s Powerful Photographs Documents The Lives Of Women Living In High-Risk SituationsPro Photo Daily:
Mark Tuschman's new photo book Faces of Courage, based on a series called "Faces of Courage: Intimate Portraits of Women on the Edge," documents the struggles many women around the world are forced to endure every day, from forced marriage to sexual violence and limited access to education. But, notes the Huffington Post, the book is not about women and girls as victims. Rather, his pictures portray women succeeding heroically in spite of their challenges.20 MINUTOS:
Mujeres-coraje de todo el mundo. El reportero estadounidense Mark Tuschman publica el libro 'Rostros de valentía' con retratos íntimos de cientos de mujeres y niñas de diecisiete países que se enfrentan a la adversidadSLATE:
In an Unequal World, These Women Are Searching for Better LivesJWeekly:
Talking with a chronicler of ‘Faces of CourageSheRa:
Photographing Women in the Face of AdversityL'Oeil de la Photographie:
Mark Tuschman’s : Faces of Courage, Intimate portraits of Women on the EdgeWiener Zeitung:
Die Ärmsten der Armen unter den Armen(The poorest of the poor among the poor)iefimerida:
Σε έναν άνισο κόσμο - Γυναίκες αναζητούν μια καλύτερη ζωή [εικόνες] Πηγή: Σε έναν άνισο κόσμο - Γυναίκες αναζητούν μια καλύτερη ζωή [εικόνες]LIBELA:
Fotograf koji je proputovao svijet portretirajući žene i djevojke koje 'žive na rubu'Urban:
‘Lica hrabrosti’: Teški životi djevojčica i žena širom svijetaGirl Power!:
Mark Tuschman: egy fotos,aki misszionak tekinti a nok oktatashoz,...entretenha-me:
Mark Tuschman – Faces da coragem.CADA DIA UN FOTOGRAFO:
Mark Tuschman es un fotógrafo estadounidenseQ1 QUEMINOVA:
Fotógrafo documenta mulheres que vivem em sociedades patriarcaisPaginas da Vida:
Foto-Inspiração: Mark Tuschman - O fotógrafo que regista os rostos da coragem feminina
Mark Tuschman's photography in Faces of Courage is sensitive, vivid, compelling - qualities that are critical for conveying the depth and nuances of the fields of development, human rights, and economic justice. It is not an exaggeration to say that, in his work, the notion of a picture speaking a thousand words is more than a cliché; it is a fact.
Kavita N. Ramdas,
Former President of the Global Fund for Women Southeast Asia
Director of the Ford Foundation
A tribute to the resiliency of women everywhere. A call to action for all of us in the human race to claim and accept nothing less than autonomy over our own lives and bodies, and an affirmation of the rights of all women around the world to exect exactly that.
Pat Mitchell,
Board Member of VDAY, the One Billion Rising campaign
Editorial Director of TED Women
Faces of Courage is a photo essay of staggering importance. Mark Tuschman has traveled the world to bring back portraits of girs and women struggling against great odds to make something of their lives. His riveting photos open up a window into the hearts and souls of women and girls fighting violence, poor health, oppression, and lack of opportunity. This book will become a part of you and will encourage you in your efforts to make a difference in the world.
Ruth W. Messinger,
President of the American Jewish World Service
Mark Tuschman frames his subjects with great dignity. His photography pleads with the world to understand how providing proper maternal-health and childcare services reduces hunger and malnutrition, and empowers women and their families. His photographs in Faces of courage speak to me of hope.
Musimbi Kanyoro,
President and CEO of the Global Fund for Women
Links to Reviews:
- Napa Valley Register:
'Faces of Courage': A photographer tells the story of women around the world - Maptia:
Tools of Empowerment: Far too many girls are not allowed to attend school, develop their minds, or even gain a minimum of economic and personal independence. Their lives, and their futures, are condemned from the very start. This story captures the inspiring power of vocational training to change the course of women's lives.
Mark Tuschman's photography in Faces of Courage is sensitive, vivid, compelling - qualities that are critical for conveying the depth and nuances of the fields of development, human rights, and economic justice. It is not an exaggeration to say that, in his work, the notion of a picture speaking a thousand words is more than a cliché; it is a fact.
Kavita N. Ramdas,
Former President of the Global Fund for Women Southeast Asia
Director of the Ford Foundation
A tribute to the resiliency of women everywhere. A call to action for all of us in the human race to claim and accept nothing less than autonomy over our own lives and bodies, and an affirmation of the rights of all women around the world to exect exactly that.
Pat Mitchell,
Board Member of VDAY, the One Billion Rising campaign
Editorial Director of TED Women
Faces of Courage is a photo essay of staggering importance. Mark Tuschman has traveled the world to bring back portraits of girs and women struggling against great odds to make something of their lives. His riveting photos open up a window into the hearts and souls of women and girls fighting violence, poor health, oppression, and lack of opportunity. This book will become a part of you and will encourage you in your efforts to make a difference in the world.
Ruth W. Messinger,
President of the American Jewish World Service
Mark Tuschman frames his subjects with great dignity. His photography pleads with the world to understand how providing proper maternal-health and childcare services reduces hunger and malnutrition, and empowers women and their families. His photographs in Faces of courage speak to me of hope.
Musimbi Kanyoro,
President and CEO of the Global Fund for Women